
out of, from


  • erudite

    Someone who is erudite is steeped in knowledge because they have read and studied extensively.

  • ineluctable

    Something that is ineluctable is impossible to avoid or escape, however much you try.

  • evocation

    An evocation of something creates or summons a clear mental image or impression of it through words, pictures, or music.

  • enormity

    If you refer to the enormity of a situation, problem, or event, you mean that it is very evil or morally offensive; this word has nothing to do with physical size.

  • egress

    Egress is the act of going out or exiting from an enclosed space; it can also be the exit itself.

  • elocution

    Someone's elocution is their artistic manner of speaking in public, including both the delivery of their voice and gestures.

  • edict

    An edict is an official order or command given by a government or someone in authority.

  • enervate

    If something enervates you, it makes you very tired and weak—almost to the point of collapse.

  • egregious

    An egregious mistake, failure, or problem is an extremely bad and very noticeable one.

  • emolument

    Emolument is money or another form of payment you get for work you have done.

  • emissary

    An emissary is someone who acts as a representative from one government or leader to another.

  • elicit

    When you elicit a response from someone, you draw it forth or cause it to happen by something you say or do.

  • eloquent

    When you speak in an eloquent fashion, you speak beautifully in an expressive way that is convincing to an audience.

  • emigrate

    When a person emigrates, they move away from their native country in order to settle in another.

  • enunciate

    When you enunciate, you speak or state something clearly so that you can be easily understood.

  • eradicate

    When you eradicate something, you tear it up by the roots or remove it completely.

  • eliminate

    When you eliminate something, you get rid of or do away with it.

  • evasive

    When you are being evasive, you are trying to avoid trouble or not give a direct answer to a question.

  • amend

    When you amend something, such as a document or your behavior, you fix it to improve it.

  • elite

    The elite members of a society are those at the top or those who are the very best.

  • eminent

    An eminent person is famous, of high standing, or superior in some way.

  • elated

    When you become elated about something, you become very happy, overjoyed, or extremely delighted.

  • erode

    When something erodes, it slowly wears away or is gradually destroyed.

  • supererogatory

    Supererogatory effort is above and beyond that which is expected or asked for.

  • emerge

    When something emerges, it comes out or appears so that it can be seen.

  • eligible

    An eligible person is fit to be chosen or acceptable to join something, such as a sports team or club.

  • evaluate

    To evaluate something is to judge its value, worth, or importance.

  • erupt

    When something erupts, such as a volcano, it explodes, bursts forth, or suddenly starts.

  • event

    An event is something that happens or takes place; it is often important.

  • evacuate

    When people evacuate an area, they have to leave it, usually due to an emergency of some kind.

  • emergency

    An emergency is a sudden danger that needs to be taken care of right away, such as a flood or fire.

  • edit

    When someone edits some writing, they check it over for mistakes and correct it.

  • enormous

    Something that is enormous is huge, giant, or very big.

  • emotional

    An emotional response to something is how you feel about it, such as being happy or sad.

  • educe

    deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning)

  • eject

    put out or expel from a place

  • enervated

    lacking strength or vigor

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